Vision: To appreciate, protect and conserve our natural environment.
History: PFNC was formed in May 1945 out of concern for the Lower Glenelg region which was under threat of being cleared for soldier settlement following the second world war. Since then, the PFNC has been instrumental in achieving National Park status for the Lower Glenelg, Mt. Richmond and most recently the Cobboboonee NP as well as other parks and reserves. Past PFNC members have made significant contributions to the discovery and documentation of flora and fauna. Of note Cliff Beauglehole awarded an Order of Australia for his series publication of the Vascular Plants of Victoria. Colin & Dorothy Woolcock published Australian Terrestrial Orchids and Pea flowers of Victoria, and current member Robert Farnes published Birds of Portland District now in its second edition.
Purpose: PFNC is committed to the appreciation, protection and enhancement of our natural environment. This is achieved through advocacy, outings, surveys, gaining and sharing knowledge, participation in revegetation and pest plant control activities.
Key Achievements: The establishment of the Lower Glenelg, Mt. Richmond and Cobboboonee National Parks, Cape Nelson State Park, Cobboboonee Forest Park, and other flora & fauna reserves in the district.
Publication of the ‘Birds of Portland District’.
Visitors and non-members are very welcome to join our activities.