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    Help protect the biodiversity of the Great South West Walk

    Posted on: 1 March 2023

    On Monday, March 20, participants of Weed the Walk will be helping to protect the incredible biodiversity values of one of the most popular campgrounds in the Forest Park, Cut-Out Camp, Campground. This campsite is a ripper! It is decked out with a toilet, picnic table and rainwater tank, not only that it is home to many local bird species of whom you are sure to hear on your visit!

    Weed the Walk in a monthly on-ground volunteer activity that anyone is welcome to participant in. Registering your interest in this activity is necessary so that the appropriate safety checks and other necessary requirements are put in place prior to the day.

    Throughout 2023 activities will take place in a range of incredible locations that are all on the Great South West Walk. We are looking for new participants to join us in our hands on outdoor program and believe we have a lot to offer you in terms of knowledge and skill building!

    This month, Weed the Walk volunteers will be tackling a small infestation of boneseed that is growing in the forest.  Both hand weeding and cutting and painting will be included. Participants will need to bring their own gloves, appropriate clothing for the weather and a packed lunch. Boneseed is an introduced species that threatens native understory and other ground cover species.  The consequence of exotic recruitment can be reduced by the removal of its presence, follow up monitoring and further removal / site maintenance.

    Cut out Camp and the surrounding environment is home to many birds, wildflowers, and orchids. Messmate Stringybark dominates the overstory and supports a vast array of wildlife including nectar-feeding birds, insects, and seed and insect-eating birds. Sittella’s and White-throated Treecreeper’s can be seen here feeding on ants from the bark of the Stringybarks. Eucalypt blossoms provide crucial nectar for honeyeaters and lorikeets. Both Sugar Gliders and Yellow-bellied Gliders live in this part of the forest also. Surrey Ridge is a dynamic and important area within the forest, and we are aiming to do all we can to protect it.

    For more information and to find out how to get involved contact, Team Leader, Rosemary Wilson 0427 233 477.

    Copyright © 2025 South West Environment Alliance   |   Built with a smile by Web Happy
    All photos kindly supplied by the following: Dave Pitts, Lynn Murrell, Robert F. Farnes, Vivien Holyoake, Ivor Graney, Dr. Raelene Mibus and the Great South West Walk Inc.
    Disclaimer: The Southwest Environment Alliance uses its best efforts to ensure that the information we put on our webpage is correct at the time of publication. If you see something that doesn’t look or sound quite right please contact us so that we can take a closer look at what it is we may have got wrong.