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    Exciting new research project!

    Posted on: 14 September 2021

    By Kristy Brewer

    South-west Victoria is host to an exciting migratory shorebird research project this season.  Thanks to South-west Environment Alliance Inc. and a range of partner organisations and researchers, the Important Bird Area of Discovery Bay will be a focus location for a Sanderling (Calidris alba) capture, release and tracking project. 

    The research aims to understand the movement patterns of Sanderling when they are at home on south-west Victorian beaches.  Funding has been kindly provided by the Victorian Government’s Conservation Volunteering Action program to help fill this important knowledge gap for the area.  Discovery Bay (Victoria and South Australia, Belfast Coastal Reserve, coastal areas of Tyrendarra are important locations for Sanderling, with Discovery Bay a focus area for this study.

    The Sanderling project team would like to know where and when Sanderling are congregating this season.   This will help give lead time to the capture and release team who will be travelling some 5 hours to the sites.  

    Identification Workshop

    What does a Sanderling look like you ask, or perhaps how do I tell the difference between a Sanderling and a Red-necked Stint?  Come to a special online workshop to learn more about our shorebirds and why this project is important.  Expert migratory shorebird expert Dan Lees from Birdlife Australia will be sharing that knowledge with us.  School holiday fun for the whole family.

    An Identification Workshop is being delivered online on Sept 22. The aim of the workshop is to ensure volunteers can tell the difference between two of our shore birds that look similar. Sanderling and Red- necked Stints.

    If you are interested in this project and /or would like more information, contact

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    All photos kindly supplied by the following: Dave Pitts, Lynn Murrell, Robert F. Farnes, Vivien Holyoake, Ivor Graney, Dr. Raelene Mibus and the Great South West Walk Inc.
    Disclaimer: The Southwest Environment Alliance uses its best efforts to ensure that the information we put on our webpage is correct at the time of publication. If you see something that doesn’t look or sound quite right please contact us so that we can take a closer look at what it is we may have got wrong.