When : March 26 2020 9:30 – 2:30
- Benefits of dung
beetles for grazing systems and how to encourage them
- How do we know if
we have dung beetles and what type they are?
- What species are
we finding locally?
- Local dung beetle
projects including a dung beetle breeding program and demonstration
- Opportunity to bring
along dung beetles for identification
- Dr. Bernard Doube – Dung Beetle Solutions
- Dr. Russ Barrow
– Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers
project (DBEE), Charles Sturt University
VENUE: Cashmore (register for directions)
RSVP: Please register online (for catering purposes) by Wednesday
March 25 https://dungbeetlefieldday.eventbrite.com.au
or for more information, contact either:
Bindi Hunter, Agriculture Victoria, on 0428 589 016 or bindi.hunter@agriculture.vic.gov.au
Kate Joseph, Project
Officer SWPLG, on 0428 541 158 or primeag@westvic.com.au
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