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    Gorse Grants Now Open

    The Victorian Gorse Taskforce are interested in aiding groups of landholders who have an interest in controlling gorse.

    The VGT is calling for grant applications for their 2023-24 Small Community Grants Program.

    The VGT are interested in aiding groups of landholders that are supported by a Victorian Community Group organisation (eg Landcare or Friends of …Read more »

    Bush Regeneration Workshops

    Bush Regeneration training aims to upskill individuals in activities such as weed identification and control techniques. Invasive plants, or weeds as we more commonly know them are threatening bushlands all over Australia including ours in Portland, weeds have a negative impact on both flora and fauna.

    If you are interested in learning how to …Read more »

    Interested in volunteering?

    Do you like getting out on the coast and have an interest in volunteering?

    Have 2.5 hours a week to donate?  

    If so, you may like to join the Great South West Walk Landcare Volunteer team. Together they will be implementing some important restoration activities to help combat the prevailing wind and rain that …Read more »

    Native Grasses Seminar

    SEA Landcare is proud to be hosting an exciting seminar on Native Grass Rehabilitation with Dr. Ian Chivers. Dr Chivers has been involved in research and native grass management for over 20 years.

    Australian native grasses are adapted to soils that have been subject to millions of years of weathering and erosion and so …Read more »

    Fitzroy River and Darlot Creek, funding now available

    Waterway Protection and Restoration funding now available for Fitzroy River and Darlot Creek.

    Glenelg Hopkins CMA has funding available for landholders to undertake waterway protection and restoration activities on the Fitzroy River and Darlot Creek in the Budj Bim cultural landscape.

    Activities may include

    Waterway fencing

    Woody Weed Management

    Off -stream stock water access

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    Landcare is for Everyone!

    By Kristy Brewer

    Did you know that with the variability in seasons we always plant in winter? We order our trees, grasses and shrubs  8-12 months ahead of the planting season and we collect seed for our projects the year before we plant. We do this because planting local seed means stronger trees and these …Read more »

    Italian Buckthorn drop in session

    By Kristy Brewer

    Italian Buckthorn might have a pretty berries but it’s also a terrible weed!

    SEA Landcare hosted a community weed information session in early April with Dr. Robin Adair from Australis Biological to discuss the management of this highly invasive species.

    The day was described by attendee’s as highly informative and a …Read more »

    Exciting new research project!

    By Kristy Brewer

    South-west Victoria is host to an exciting migratory shorebird research project this season.  Thanks to South-west Environment Alliance Inc. and a range of partner organisations and researchers, the Important Bird Area of Discovery Bay will be a focus location for a Sanderling (Calidris alba) capture, release and tracking …Read more »

    Weed flyers

    The Southwest Environment Alliance in partnership with the Glenelg Shire Council have developed 10 weed flyers. The flyers were developed to support landholder weed identification skills. The weeds selected were based on the weeds most commonly asked about at group meetings.

    Many of the environmental groups that engage regularly with the SEA have individual …Read more »

    Native or weed?

    SEA is happy to announce that the new guide; Native or weed? Plants that can be confused in the Portland district is ready for distribution.

    Victorian Landcare Grants now open

    The 2021 Victorian Landcare Grants are now open 🌱

    Groups and networks can apply for up to $30,000 for projects that protect, enhance, and restore Victoria’s land and environment.

    Support grants of up to $500 are available to help with administration and running costs.

    Applications close Wednesday 16 June.

    Go to

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    Forum on climate change action cancelled…

    It is with much sadness that the Community Forum; local action on climate change has been postponed as a result of the recent COVID outbreak. We are currently negotiating with our sponsors and the key note speakers new dates for a similar event in early 2022. Stay tuned for updates.

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    Copyright © 2025 South West Environment Alliance   |   Built with a smile by Web Happy
    All photos kindly supplied by the following: Dave Pitts, Lynn Murrell, Robert F. Farnes, Vivien Holyoake, Ivor Graney, Dr. Raelene Mibus and the Great South West Walk Inc.
    Disclaimer: The Southwest Environment Alliance uses its best efforts to ensure that the information we put on our webpage is correct at the time of publication. If you see something that doesn’t look or sound quite right please contact us so that we can take a closer look at what it is we may have got wrong.