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    Month: March 2020

    A repository for the unique plants of our Cape

    This year Cape Nelson Landcare will be undertaking a variety of on ground actions to begin setting up a repository for some of the Capes unique plants.

    Cape Nelson is home to a variety of unusual plants including ; the Drooping Velvet bush lasiopetalum schulzenii, Ixodia ixodia achillaeoides subsp alata (Asteraceae), the Otway Bush …Read more »

    Community Planting Day 2#

    Come and enjoy the great outdoors with us at Picnic Hill, Cape Nelson. You will be helping to plant 750 local plants for wildlife. A great weekend activity for grant parents and grandchildren, active families looking for a fun empowering way to give back to our community. If your young and interested in studying environmental …Read more »

    Hollow Dependent Species of Portland District

    Would you be prepared to make a difference to the hollow dependent species we have living locally? If the answer is yes, then we need your help!

    The widespread clearing of woodland habitat has had a negative effect on many woodland bird species. The reasons are varied and the conservation of what is left is …Read more »

    Portland Coastal Cliffs Inc

    Our next few working bee will be focusing in the area to the left of the path below.

    We need your help to free the native plants ficina nodosa, Hairy spinifex and the Oleria ramulosa from the sea spurge. In between areas will be sprayed by the Glenelg Shire Council.

    Always bring appropriate footwear, …Read more »

    Dung Beetle Field Day

    When : March 26 2020 9:30 – 2:30


    Benefits of dung beetles for grazing systems and how to encourage themHow do we know if we have dung beetles and what type they are? What species are we finding locally?Local dung beetle projects including a dung beetle breeding program and demonstrationOpportunity to bring along dung …Read more »

    Community Planting Day 1 #

    There are so many ways you can be involved in helping our local environment but perhaps none more rewarding than planting tree’s.

    This events aims to support our local wildlife, a part time sheep grazier and of course our community in greening up our environment. Our aim for the day is to get 1100 indigenous …Read more »

    Copyright © 2025 South West Environment Alliance   |   Built with a smile by Web Happy
    All photos kindly supplied by the following: Dave Pitts, Lynn Murrell, Robert F. Farnes, Vivien Holyoake, Ivor Graney, Dr. Raelene Mibus and the Great South West Walk Inc.
    Disclaimer: The Southwest Environment Alliance uses its best efforts to ensure that the information we put on our webpage is correct at the time of publication. If you see something that doesn’t look or sound quite right please contact us so that we can take a closer look at what it is we may have got wrong.